13 Jan 2014
Christian Louboutin says that flat shoes can be sexy
Garance Doré, blogger, photographer, illustrator and author, is one of the great fashion references, who decided to wear heels for an entire day, and see what happened as she went along her daily business which, by chance, coincided with Paris Fashion Week.

Garance Doré, blogger, photographer, illustrator and author, is one of the great fashion references, who decided to wear heels for an entire day, and see what happened as she went along her daily business which, by chance, coincided with Paris Fashion Week. Among many references, Garance asked Christian Louboutin: "Do you believe that flat shoes are sexy?", and his response was, at the very least, surprising: "I definitely think that flat shoes can be sexy, sometimes there is something very sexy about flat shoes, because there is a reminiscence of freedom and lightness, so yes, no doubt, flat shoes can be sexy!"

You can see the full video here: Garance Dore