04 Oct 2015
Josefinas: a lady-power brand
Extraordinary materials mixed with the preserved know how of master shoemakers translates into a unique and perfect pair of Josefinas, the name given to Filipa Júlio’s luxury ballet flats. Besides believing in the art of craftsmanship, Josefinas believes in the power of women’s strength. Josefinas is a lady-power brand –

Extraordinary materials mixed with the preserved know how of master shoemakers translates into a unique and perfect pair of Josefinas, the name given to Filipa Júlio’s luxury ballet flats.
Besides believing in the art of craftsmanship, Josefinas believes in the power of women’s strength.
Josefinas is a lady-power brand – it’s made of women, for women.
Josefinas started in 2013 and its mission is to empower women all over the world.
Read more about Josefinas’ worldwide journey into empowering women in interview given for The Successfully Unsuccessful Millennial .