01 Sep 2021
Josefinas' Book Club: The Soul of a Woman
With Isabel Allende's stamp, this book focuses on the feminist movement and the reasons why the author relates to it.

Isabel Allende is a favorite among readers, and we understand why. After all, to read her work is to visit Chile, meet her family, imagine what her childhood was like... And “The Soul of a Woman” shows us that Isabel is a woman ahead of her time, who takes pride in her roots and who’s thirsty for knowledge.

“The Soul of a Woman” is a good book to debut in the author's writing if her works are still unknown to you. Light reading (if you are going on vacation in September, this is a suggestion to carry in your suitcase!), the book is divided in short chapters, which are read in the relaxation of a Sunday, but includes relevant statistical data and facts that support her personal thoughts.

This is, without a doubt, a book about feminism and about the reasons that led the author to follow the values that we also defend. Introducing the women who inspire her, Allende shows that we all still have a long way to go, and she affectionately recalls the moments that have always made her believe that she should fight for this cause – not only for herself, but for all of us.


Josefinas' Book Club is on Instagram (share your photos and use #JosefinasBookClub), but also on WhatsApp (HERE) and on Telegram (HERE).